Monday 5 December 2022

शक्तिशाली महा मेरु यंत्र

महा मेरु श्री यंत्र समृद्धि, स्वास्थ्य और धन प्राप्त करने के लिए सबसे शक्तिशाली यंत्र है। इस शक्तिशाली और पवित्र यंत्र में सभी यंत्रों की ऊर्जा समाहित है। मेरु यंत्र का उपासक आध्यात्मिक रूप से विकसित होता है और भौतिक लाभ प्राप्त करता है। सभी नकारात्मक ऊर्जाएं दूर हो जाती हैं और आप जीवन में सुख और शांति प्राप्त करते हैं।

वस्तुतः, "श्री" का अर्थ है समृद्धि और "यंत्र" का अर्थ है साधन- धन का साधन। तो, इसका अर्थ है समृद्धि प्राप्त करने का एक साधन।

भारत में सर्वोत्तम मूल्य पर हमारी वेबसाइट 'एस्ट्रोदेवम' से पारद (Mercury purified) मेरु श्री यंत्र ऑनलाइन खरीदें।

महा मेरु श्री यंत्र को कहाँ रखें?

आप इस यंत्र को अपने घर और ऑफिस के मंदिर और अन्य धार्मिक स्थानों पर अवश्य रखें। अपने काम में आ रही बाधाओं को दूर करने के लिए आप इसे ऑफिस डेस्क पर भी रख सकते हैं।

महा मेरु श्री यंत्र के लाभ:


1- यह सौभाग्य और समृद्धि लाता है।

2- ग्रहों के नकारात्मक प्रभाव को दूर करता है।

3-जीवन में आने वाली बाधाओं से मुक्ति दिलाता है।

4- आपको जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में सफलता दिलाता है।

5-यह ध्यान में भी सहायक होता है।

मेरु श्री यंत्र की अंगूठी: आपके लिए पारद अंगूठी लेकर आया है, शुभ मेरु यंत्र से सम्पूर्ण  है। महा मेरु यंत्र के सभी लाभों को प्राप्त करने और दिव्य आशीर्वाद को प्राप्त करने के लिए इस अनूठी अंगूठी को पहना जा सकता है क्योंकि पारद एक दिव्य सामग्री है जो भगवान शिव से जुड़ी है और जब आप पारद की अंगूठी या कोई अन्य आभूषण पहनते हैं, तो आपको दिव्य आशीर्वाद मिलता है और भगवान शिव की रक्षा प्राप्त होती है।

मेरु श्री यंत्र की अंगूठी के लाभ:


1- सुख-समृद्धि का आशीर्वाद देता है।

2- शांति और सद्भाव प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है।

3- नकारात्मक भाव दूर होते हैं।

4- ब्लड प्रेशर और हृदय रोग को नियंत्रित रखता है।

5- आपको मानसिक और शारीरिक शक्ति प्रदान करता है।

यदि आप इसे से आर्डर करते है तो हमारी टीम मेरु यन्त्र अंगूठी को वैदिक और पौराणिक मंत्रों से अभिमंत्रित करती है जिससे की इसके प्रभाव और ऊर्जा आपको ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा लाभ दे सके।

एस्ट्रोदेवम ज्योतिष, वास्तु, अंक ज्योतिष, यज्ञ सेवाओं और मैच-मेकिंग सेवाओं के क्षेत्र में एक प्रसिद्ध संगठन है। हम 100 से अधिक देशों में सेवा प्रदान करते है । हमारे प्रस्तावित उत्पाद असली रुद्राक्ष, प्राकृतिक रत्न, वास्तु पिरामिड, रेकी और हीलिंग उत्पाद, और मूल पारद (Mercury purified) उत्पाद हैं। आप हमारी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट: पर जाकर हमारी प्रोडक्ट्स और सेवाएं आर्डर कर सकते है। 

हमारा ईमेल:

नवीनतम ऑफ़र, प्रोमो और बहुत कुछ प्राप्त करने के लिए सोशल मीडिया पर हमसे जुड़ें:

हमारा फेसबुक पेज:

हमारा ट्विटर लिंक:

हमारा इंस्टाग्राम लिंक:

हमारा YouTube चैनल:

हमारा लिंक्डइन लिंक:

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कोई प्रश्न?

कमेंट में ज़रूर लिखें।

What is Maha Meru Yantra ?


Maha Meru Shree Yantra is the most powerful Yantra for attaining prosperity, health, and wealth. This powerful and sacred Yantra contains the energies of all the Yantras. The worshipper of the Meru Yantra develops spiritually and gets materialistic benefits. All the unfavorable energies are removed and you achieve happiness and peace in life. 

Literally, "Shri" means prosperity and "Yantra" means Instrument- the instrument for riches. So, it means an instrument for achieving prosperity.

Buy the Original Parad (Mercury Purified) Meru Shree Yantra online from our website '' at the best price in India. 

Where to Keep Maha Meru Shree Yantra?

You must keep this Yantra in your home and office temple and other religious places. You can place this on the office desk also to remove hurdles in your work. 

Benefits of Maha Meru Shree Yantra: 


1-It brings good fortune and prosperity. 

2-Removes negative effects of planets. 

3-Frees you from hurdles in life. 

4-Brings you success in all spheres of life. 

5-It also aids in meditation.

 Meru Shree Yantra Ring: brings to you the Original Parad Ring with the auspicious Meru Yantra engraved on it. This unique ring can be worn for getting all the benefits of the Maha Meru Yantra and to attract divine blessings because Parad is a divine material that is associated with Lord Shiva and when you wear Parad ring or any other jewelry, you get the divine blessings and protection of Lord Shiva. 


Benefits of Meru Shree Yantra Ring: 


1- Blesses the wearer with prosperity. 

2- Helps in getting peace and harmony.

3- Negative feelings are cleared. 

4- Controls blood pressure and heart disease. 

5- Blesses you with mental and physical strength. offers this special Meru Shree Yantra Ring after energizing it with Vedic and Pauranic Mantras to enhance its effects on you.


AstroDevam is a renowned organization in the field of Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Yagya services, and Match-Making services. We serve our clients in more than 100 countries. Our offered products are Real Rudrakshas, Natural Gemstones, Vastu Pyramids, Reiki and healing products, and Original Parad (Mercury Purified) products and the Law of Reincarnation Raw

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Friday 25 November 2022

 What is Parad ?


Parad also called Rasamani is an auspicious material which is a purified form of the mercury material. Mercury is poisonous, but Parad is equally a harmless and safe material. The purification of Parad involves several stages and they are known as ‘Ashtasanskaras’.


What is the Significance of Parad ?


In Indian culture, Parad is considered a very auspicious material because of the divine connection it has. Parad is believed to be originated from the sperm of Lord Shiva, the supreme deity of the universe. Its religious significance can be found from the many ancient religious scriptures like the Brahma Puran, that says the worshipers always achieve prosperity from Lord Shiva  and find the ultimate liberation.

We also get to know about Iridium, Mercury and Rhodium in the 117t Shlokas of Soma in Rigveda.


Benefits of Original Parad Bracelet:-


Parad Bracelet is an amazing spiritual jewelery that brings positive cosmic energies to the wearer. Wear it on the right hand for good luck, wealth, peace of mind and spiritual growth. Wearing Parad bracelet brings good fortune, harmony, and mental stability.

According to various Vedic spirituals, Parad is purest and divine metal that protects you from evil eye effects. Wearer of this Mercury bracelet gets good willpower and concentration. It is a great source of bringing positive cosmic energy and stability in family life and also in removing the black magic.


Benefits of Parad Bracelet

· Rasmani bracelet helps you enhancing concentration, memory, and will-power.

· It brings success to your job and career..

· Saves you from evil eyes effects and black magic effects.

· It gathers positive energies and removes negative energy around you.

· Wearing this parad bracelet brings good health, wealth and fortune to you.

· It enhances your mediation strength and connects you to Lord Shiva.



Parad bracelet is made of beautiful Parad beads strung in a stretchable string.

It is an elegant and charming bracelet that goes well with all attires. Wear it on special occasions.

If you are looking for a beautiful gift for you dear ones, you can chose this beautiful Original Parad bracelet. is the only organization that sells Original Parad bracelet.




Thursday 27 October 2016

Pure Parad Products like Parad Shankh contains astounding properties of protection as well as healing. According to the Vedic scriptures, Shankh or Conch is the most auspicious item that emerged during the Ksheera Sagara Samudra Manthan. Shankh is also one of the auspicious nine objects of Lord Kubera who is the God of wealth.   
Most of the Gods and Goddesses hold the Shankh in their hands. It is believed that the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi reside permanently in Conches. You can also find some most of the Gods and Goddesses holding Conch/ Shankha in their hands. 'Shankhas' or ‘Conches’ are highly praised item in Hindu religion.
Benefits of Parad Shankh 
Parad Shankha represents glory, fortune and prosperity Parad/ Mercury Shankh is mostly used in Tantrik Culture. The skilled and experts Tantriks have found Parad Shankhs, operational and useful in the achievements of worldly desires and wealth. It is also believed that those who keep this rare and holy Shankh in their home gets the blessing of Goddess Laxmi and Lord Vishnu and would never face shortage of money in their entire life.

It is also one of the essential divine items used while performing any Puja ceremony or Vedic function. According to Hindu culture or ritual; Installment ceremony (Pran Prathistha) is not necessary in Parad Items. Original Parad Conch Shell also brings peace among couples. At home, it attracts harmony, wealth, prosperity and happiness. It is also believed that the combination of Parad and Shakha keeps you away from negative energies and saves you from sufferings.

Shankh made from Parad (Mercury)
According to Tantric belief, the Natural Parad Shankh keeps away evil spirits and saves one from bad luck, negativities or tragedies.

"Shankha Madyesthitam Thoyam Brahma Hatyadhikam Daheth
Anga Lagnam Manushyanam Mruthyu Samsara Bheshajam"

The water from the Shankha or Conch Shell removes the sin and treats various some diseases. It also gives liberation (Moksha) from the eternal cycle of re-birth. Parad products are also useful in Ayurveda treatment.

Where to buy Original Parad Shankha?
According to the astrologers of, worshipping and keeping inferior quality Parad products like Parad Shankh may lead to an adverse situation instead of benefits. So, it is very important to buy 100% Pure Parad products from a genuine source. However, is the only supplier of original Parad products in the world. Parad Shankh online by (complete with 8 Samkaras or Asht-Sanskar or 8 steps of purification) are genuine, original, effective and powerful.

Monday 10 October 2016

In the festival of Diwali, people worship many idols or statues of the Deities. However, the most important Gods statues to worship on Diwali Festival are Laxmi Ganesh Murti, Parad Shivling and Lord Kubera. Laxmi Ganesha puja is the most important ritual in Diwali festival. According to Hindus people belief, people do Laxmiji and Ganesha puja after sunset in Diwali. In the festival of light, people of India worships idols of Deities with Puja-Thali, sweets, diyas or Diwali candles, flowers, dry-fruits, silver coins and decorates their houses with Diwali decorative items.

Deepawali mainly symbolises the victory of good over evil. The main festival day falls on the new-moon day (amavashya) of the dark half of Kartik, according to the Hindu tradition. During 5 days festivity various rituals are followed and with Maa Lakshmi Idols several other Gods like Lord Kubera, Maa Kali, Parad Shivling, Ganeshji are worshipped. However Goddess Lakshmi is the most important deity during Diwali Puja. Lord Kuber is the lord of wealth and prosperity according to Hindu mythology. Kuber is worshipped for unexpected gain of money through lotteries and business.

People worship Goddess Lakshmi Idol on many occasions but worshipping the Goddess of wealth on this auspicious festival has a special significance. Businessmen worship Maa Laxmi and makes new account books. However, it is customary to offer prayers to Lord Ganpati Statue first. Prayers are offered to Goddess Laxmi with pure heart and fervour. During the Ganesh pooja, the statue of Goddess Lakshmi is also placed on the left and the elephant headed God is kept on the right.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, abundance, fortune and prosperity and also personifies beauty, fertility, grace, and charm. She is depicted seated on a lotus with gold coins. Lord Ganpati (Ganesh) is the Lord of Wisdom and the remover of obstacles. According to Hindu tradition, it is believed that he must be kept happy to ensure smooth passage on the road to endeavours and accomplishments. For this reason, he is worshiped together with Maa Laxmi during Diwali Festival.

Mata Laxmi - Ganesh Pujan takes place on Diwali Festival by placing their idol on a platform, making various offerings of saffron paste, sandal paste, perfume (itr), kumkum, haldi, abeer, garland of cotton beads, leaves of Bel (wood apple tree), gulal, flowers, especially the marigold flowers and Diya and Incense stick are lit and offering of coconut, fruits, sweets, and tambul are made. At the end of the ritual, Aarti dedicated to Lord Ganesh is sung by the devotees.

It is also auspicious to worship and install Parad Shree Yantra and Parad (Padrasam) Shivlingam on this auspicious festival. Parad Meru Shri Yantra is the most significant and influential Yantra, which not only gives wealth, but also proves useful for every person. It is the source of achieving all materialistic desires & pleasing all wishes through mental power and celestial power. On the other hand, Parad Shivling made of Mercury and silver is a rare tantric product. It is used for Sadhna and fulfils all your wishes. 

Friday 13 May 2016

Narmada Shivlingam is a rare divine item, found in nature, in the bed of the Narmada River. Narmada Shivling is the most rare Shivling used for worshipping Lord Mahadev (Shiva). Lord Shiva represents supreme being and is also called as the destroyer of obstacles, sins and miseries. Enhanced Positive energy released in the place where there is Banalinga (Banalingam) or Narmadha Shivaling.

But the stature of ‘Narmadeshwar Shivling’ is different from all other Shivlings, it is naturally formed Shivlingam in the bed of Narmada River from the forces of nature. The aura of ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ is manifold if compared with other Shivlingams prepared from materials (like marble, stone, etc.).Those who possess Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ or Banalinga gets name, fame, wealth, luck, prosperity and peace in his/ her life as this specific Shivaling is made of pebbles from the sacred river Narmada (in India).  It is said that the Narmada Shivalings are ‘alive’ Shivlingam and they don’t need a ‘Praanpratishta’ (process of installation)One can easily buy this Shivalingams of sacred stones and get the blessings of Lord Shiva. Narmada Shivlingam is also an auspicious Tantra article related to the Lord Shiva. It is advisable to keep a ‘Narmadeshwar Shivlingam’ in a clean place of your Pooja room or Sthanam. Numerous ancient Vedic Texts acknowledge its supreme benefits. It is said that just thinking about the Banalingam or Narmadeshwar Shivlingam early in the morning bestows victory in every arena of life.

Narmada Shivalingam also secures the worldly welfare as well as wipe out all previous sins and curses. Even the sinful effects of the planet Saturn are also eliminated by keeping Narmedaswar Shivling at the worship place. One should perform daily Puja of Narmedaswar Shivling to achieve prosperity in life. It is a must in every home and the Law of Reincarnation Raw.
Click the following link and get this rare divine item:

Thursday 5 May 2016

Hanuman (Bajrangbali) is an incarnation (Rudra-avtar) of Lord Shiva. Keeping a Parad Idol of Hanuman made brings harmony and positivity at home. Parad/ Mercury Hanuman Idol can be worshipped for attaining strength, power and wealth. Worship of Parad Hanuman Statue can give rapid results. It is favourable to keep the idol made of Mercury as it is very auspiciousOne should remain pious, clean, hygiene and pure and follow strict principles of self-discipline during worshipping of Lord Hanuman Idol. Parad Hanuman Murti can be worshipped for getting strength and vigour. Lord Hanuman Parad Idol makes the surroundings free from ‘negative energy’ and 'evil spirits' (like Bhuta, Pishacha, Preta, ghosts, etc.). Lord Hanuman Statues are mostly found on mountain roads because we believe that he protects persons from mishaps/ accidents.

Hanuman is considered as favourite God in modern times. Hanumanji (Maruti) is well known for his strength and Ram Bhakti (devotion to Lord Rama). Lord Hanuman is also known as Pavan-Putra (son of Pavana), Anjani Suta (Son of Anjana), Mahavira, Bajrangbali, and Vayu-Putra. The worship of Parad (Mercury) Lord Hanuman Idol has various benefits in the lives of devotees. Worshipping Mercury Hanumanji involves reading the Hanuman Chalisa and performing few important rituals like applying Sindoor (Vermillion) to accomplish your desires.

Following Mantra should be recited for Prayer:
"Hang Hanumate Rudratmakay Hung Phutt"
Benefits of Parad (Mercury) Hanuman:

·   Parad/ Mercury Hanuman helps in removing the negative energies in residential or commercial premises.Lord Hanuman Parad Idol helps to protect from evil spirits.
·         Keeping Parad Hanuman Murti on your study table or work table enhances concentration.
·         Parad/ Mercury helps in awakening the kundalini.Keeping Parad Hanuman Statue close to oneself helps build a strong will power.Removes the problem related to Planet Mars (Mangal Dasa) and Planet Saturn (Shani Dasa).Worshipping Parad Hanumanji Statue also brings in self-confidence and stable mind.

·       Mercury Idol of Lord Hanuman can be worshipped to overcome your difficulties or dangers and to make one fearless, confident, powerful and victorious.

Where to buy Original Parad Rosary?
Keeping a Parad Hanuman Statue by helps in removing fears at night. If you wish to get benefited from 100% pure Parad Hanuman Idol; visit the following link:


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